Contents of this blog are personal, they do not reflect the views of the US government, or the Peace Corps.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Week 10: June 30- July 6th

Week 10 June 30- July 6
What happens when you step outside of your comfort zone?
Dreamlike qualities have permeated reality this week. Swearing in. Being real volunteers. The time has finally come. It's been a dream since high school. But now, it's a fact. I am a Peace Corps volunteer. I was sworn in on July 3rd, 2014 which I know I'll never forget. The volunteers, next to me and in my heart: my family. The speeches, slideshow, poem and song shared at the ceremony were inspiring and personal. The question of comfort zones has been a consistent theme this week. We're being forced out of our comfort zones, we're pushing ourselves to do the amazing. And with every moment out of our comfort zone, it will get bigger. Comfort zones are going to be left behind, this amazing family of GUY 26 volunteers is stepping out into Guyana, striving for the best.
 Everyone is affected by this differently. Pride. Fear. Anticipation. Elation to finally, finally, be done training. But, the thing is, we might be done with training but we're never done learning. These first 3 months are a massive learning curve as we all get used to our sites, learning where to buy food for the best prices, or at all, learning how to incorporate into a new community, job and lifestyle. But, the learning will be good. I'm looking forward to figuring out how many islands people live on in Wakapoa and getting to meet them. There are hard times ahead and hopefully some amazing ones to make up for it. This is the Peace Corps experience coming up, and I feel a lot like I did before I left. Nervous, but more thrilled than I can say. I'm doing it, guys. I'm going to change the world to the best of my ability, leaving a legacy of large gestures and love behind.
But, I wouldn't be here without you. If you're reading this, you've made an incredible difference to me. You've helped me get to where I am today and I'm really grateful to have you with me. Thank you, friends, family, fellow volunteers, for loving me, supporting me, and being what I needed. I hope no matter how far away I am, I can still support you, because I definitely love you.
I'll still have internet reception on my phone at my new site(hopefully) so this won't be the end of this blog, but the updates will probably stop being weekly and might become monthly. We'll see. No matter what, I love you loads and cannot wait to hear from you and share what it's like at my site. If you have any specific questions you want me to answer on here instead of in emails, let me know.
My new address is:
Elizabeth Archer
c/o Charity Post Office
Pomeroon River, Region 2
Guyana, South America

I think this will work and will get the letters to the post office, despite the fact that there is only 1 number throughout it.
Gosh, I'm nervous. But I need to go pack(again) to go to site. Love you so, sooooooooo, much. Until next time!(Be prepared for some sweet jungle pictures of my new site. And river/boat pictures, for there are many.)
What happens when you step outside of your comfort zone?
Fourth Grade at Laluni Primary with Miss Priya(my very favorite short person), and Miss Kelly(a dyno-mite volunteer)